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 INSCYD Metrics Obtained

a 360-degree view of your physiology

With an INSCYD critical power test you can obtain a full metabolic and performance profile. The test result is a multi-dimensional model that includes all the relevant physiological components of performance. Your capacity to perform in any race and the way you should train to improve on that performance can be boiled down into the following metrics that you will obtain. Each of the below metrics is measured by INSCYD and is critical for your performance. 


(Aerobic Capacity)

Aerobic capacity - or VO2max - is the single most important performance metric in endurance sport. With INSCYD testing you can now see how your VO2max interacts with race and training performances:


(glycolytic/anaerobic capacity)

The high and low of VLamax (glycolytic capacity). A high VLamax increases the power available for short efforts:  a 400m run, an attack during a race or a sprint. A Low VLamax improves the anaerobic threshold and fat combustion and shortens recovery time from hard efforts. This means for example during an Olympic distance race, you want a low VLaMax to maximise your performance. Knowing your VLaMax will be a game-changer in your training program:

Anaerobic Threshold (MLSS / "FTP")

INSCYD detects your anaerobic threshold as per the scientific definition: The maximum intensity at which lactate combustion matches lactate production. But knowing your threshold power simply isn't good enough! Only if you understand WHY it is what it is can you effectively change it. High VO2max and high VLaMax? Reduce VLaMax. Low VO2max and low VLaMax? Increase VO2max. Anything in between? INSCYD will show you the relative strength of your VO2max/VLaMax, and make it easy for you to decide where to focus your training, in order to improve threshold power. 

Fat and Carb combustion

Increasing fat oxidation and thereby sparing your limited glycogen is a very important part of endurance events. Especially so when we talk about half and full Ironman racing. But fat and carb combustion is highly individual. Use INSCYD's accurate and validated fat and carb combustion reports to: Tailor your race (and training) nutrition plans to how much carbohydrate you actually combust at your race intensity. Use your own experience of your maximum tolerance for taking on energy in races to fine-tune your pacing plan so you don't run out of fuel, and to set a benchmark for how much you should increase your tolerance to take on energy by practicing it in training. Know your FatMax zone and train in it to improve your ability to oxidise fat for fuel. Use nutritional strategies to improve your fat oxidation and evaluate the impact of them. 

 Lactate accumulation and recovery

If your racing is a high-level draft-legal triathlon or cycling disciplines with large variations in intensity (road racing, cyclocross, crit racing) then your ability to use lactate as fuel and to shuttle it is critical in your performance outcome. These abilities are highly trainable, and INSCYD testing allows you to monitor your progress and improvements in your production and combustion of lactate. 

Learn exactly how quickly lactate accumulates in your blood and how quickly you process and get rid of lactate at any given intensity. This information will inform training decisions, and potentially even race planning. Tailor your high intensity interval training to your lactate accumulation and recovery. If you want to practise your lactate shuttling abilities, then knowing your maximal lactate combustion power is critical, and the lactate accumulation/recovery chart will help you set exact power and duration targets for your intervals and recoveries to maximise their effect. 

Individual Training Zones

It's about time we move on from thinking that everybody can be training various energy systems using the same generic percentages of FTP. The reality is, while you should be doing VO2max intervals at 135% of FTP, your buddy might only do them at 115% of FTP, as 130% would completely burn him out. Your results will contain training zones completely individual to you and your physiology. Whether you want to go out and do VO2max intervals or a FatMax ride, you will have an accurate power target for you to hit your training objective. Training Zones will include: Recovery, Endurance, FatMax, Moderate ("Medio"), Lactate Shuttling, Anaerobic Threshold, VO2max, Anaerobic / Glycolytic




At TRI CONNECT COACHING you will re-connect with your athletic endurance aspirations, where together we will plan the journey for you to execute and deliver on your ambition.


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